You resolved to be kinder to your health and body this year, and we’re totally on board. So we listed five practicable things that you can shape into health habits.

1. Approach the new year with a better relationship with food.

Food is neither good nor bad, and you’re better off starting this year knowing that you’re allowed to eat pretty much anything you want without having to feel guilty. That being said, it’s also the best time to train your focus on nutrition when planning your meals and picking out snacks. Fortify your daily diet with fruits and vegetables that are in season and are locally available to you. Whether you incorporate them into meal courses or prepare them as main dishes, make sure that you’re getting the nutrition your body needs from food.

2. Move more. Move often.

We could all use some exercise, that’s a fact. But not everyone has the same experience when it comes to exercising. Sometimes it’s not having enough time, sometimes it’s not having access to a gym or equipment. On the other hand, any sincere effort made towards exercise or movement will benefit your body. If a gym membership isn’t feasible for now, maximize the internet with workout routines you can do at home. It doesn’t even have to be strictly exercise; it can be dance, yoga, or sitting in a squat. You can also walk up and down the stairs every day or walk around the neighborhood. Whatever activity you wish to try, commit yourself to doing them for 10-15 minutes every day until your body catches on. 

2. Move more. Move often.

We could all use some exercise, that’s a fact. But not everyone has the same experience when it comes to exercising. Sometimes it’s not having enough time, sometimes it’s not having access to a gym or equipment. On the other hand, any sincere effort made towards exercise or movement will benefit your body. If a gym membership isn’t feasible for now, maximize the internet with workout routines you can do at home. It doesn’t even have to be strictly exercise; it can be dance, yoga, or sitting in a squat. You can also walk up and down the stairs every day or walk around the neighborhood. Whatever activity you wish to try, commit yourself to doing them for 10-15 minutes every day until your body catches on. 

3. Get restful and quality sleep.

While staying hydrated is key to relieving bloatedness, fresh produce also helps in ridding your body of excess sodium. Include fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in your upcoming meals or eat them for snacks after you’re able to rest from the effects of overeating.

4. Manage your stress.

 When stress builds up and is left unattended, it can take a toll on your body in the form of unwanted weight gain. Our bodies release cortisol when we’re stressed and it influences our appetite, which is why we crave foods that are high in sugar, salt, or starch when we’re worked to the bone. This year, make an effort to redirect stress-eating to picking healthier snacks such as fruits and whole grain options. Studies also show that stress management programs not only help reduce stress, they also help patients make healthier lifestyle and dietary choices.

4. Manage your stress.

 When stress builds up and is left unattended, it can take a toll on your body in the form of unwanted weight gain. Our bodies release cortisol when we’re stressed and it influences our appetite, which is why we crave foods that are high in sugar, salt, or starch when we’re worked to the bone. This year, make an effort to redirect stress-eating to picking healthier snacks such as fruits and whole grain options. Studies also show that stress management programs not only help reduce stress, they also help patients make healthier lifestyle and dietary choices.

5. Give your health a boost with food supplements.

When it comes to nutrition, the flipside is that not everyone has the same access to healthy food or the time to prepare them. This is where food supplements can help you. Case in point: you can help keep your gut healthy with the help of apple cider vinegar supplements. ACV supplements keep your tummy remain a healthy environment for good bacteria to thrive. In addition, they also help keep you feeling full for longer so that you can curb your appetite naturally. This way, you’re able to manage your food intake and stay aligned with your weight goals.

Starting the year with your overall health as your priority is key to making your weight management journey. If you don’t know where to begin yet, you can start with BestShape Apple Cider Vinegar Supplements. They’re rich in acetic acid and probiotics to keep your gut healthy so you can get in shape safely and naturally. Learn more about BestShape’s benefits through here



Established In 2005, Organica Nutrition, Inc. seeks to help Filipinos improve the quality of their lives by making premium food supplement brands accessible and affordable. We take inspiration from your everyday health goals to create safe and effective supplements that help you take charge of your well-being. Organica now has five products (Sleepasil, Cardiclear, Nightol, BestShape, and ClearSight) which are all manufactured abroad and distributed nationwide in the Philippines.

59 Labo Street, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.



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